Santander bullfighting schedule 2012
Bullfighting Santander, Cantabria. Spain. Apostle Santiago Fair
- Saturday, July 21. Young bulls of Baltasar Ibán for Gómez del Pilar, Raúl Rivera and Roberto Blanco.
- Sunday, July 22. Bulls of Ángel Sánchez y Sánchez for Hermoso de Mendoza, Diego Ventura and Leonardo Hernández.
- Monday, July 23. Bulls from Puerto de San Lorenzo for Miguel Ángel Perera, Alejandro Talavante and Juan del Álamo.
- Tuesday, July 24. Bulls from Garcigrande-Domingo Hernández for El Juli, José María Manzanares and Jiménez Fortes.
- Wednesday, July 25. Charity bullfight. Bulls from El Montecillo for El Cid, David Mora and Rubén Pinar.
- Thursday, July 26. Bulls from Núñez del Cuvillo for Enrique Ponce, Morante de la Puebla and Daniel Luque.
- Friday, July 27. Bulls from Torrestrella for Juan José Padilla, El Fandi and Daniel Luque.
- Saturday, July 28. Bulls from Victorino Martín for Antonio Ferrera, Javier Castaño and Morenito de Aranda.
- Sunday, July 29. Los Espartales and Antonio Bañuelos bulls for the fight on foot for the rejoneador Hermoso de Mendoza and the bullfighters Francisco Marco and Iván Fandiño.
Images: Lances de Futuro
Year: 2012
Shows: 9
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